Privacy Policy

Use of this website includes the collection of ‘personal data’ as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As the owner of the website I act as the ‘data controller’ and you, the user of this website, are the ‘data subject.’

As the data controller, my responsibility is to collect and process only necessary data in a fair and transparent way. I must take steps to secure this data, and the steps are outlined within this document.

Before consenting to the collection of data you must read the below to understand the purpose of collecting data, what data you are consenting to collect, third parties who will process this data on my behalf, and the steps in place to protect your data.

Purpose of Data Collection

Data collected on this website is for the purpose of monitoring and improving the user experience of this website as well as measuring the impact of marketing efforts.

Some data will be used to make broad marketing decisions such as whether spending money on marketing has resulted in a sufficient number of users to warrant the expenditure, but none of the data collected is used for remarketing purposes.

Remarketing is the practice of storing a cookie on your computer to then advertise to you, the data subject, after you have left this website. This practice is what gives most users the impression they are being followed by brands.

Types of Data Collection

The data collected is considered personal data because it could be used to identify you when considered in its entirety.

None of this data is collected for the purpose of ‘profiling’, which is the process of analysing data of you, the ‘data subject,’ in order to predict some personal aspect of you in an automated way.

All Users

By consenting to this privacy and cookie policy you agree data will be collected about you for the purpose of monitoring and improving the user experience of this website and measuring impact of marketing channels excluding remarketing.

It includes data such as:

User Submitted Data

Information such as your name, business name, telephone number, email address, or physical address are only collected when freely submitted via forms.

Each form has a clearly identified purpose and the data collected via the form is for the sole purpose of that form. For example, contacting me will not automatically enrol you into a newsletter or email marketing campaign.

If you freely submit your data for the purpose of signing up to a newsletter then you can unsubscribe directly via the newsletter email without the need to contact me.

Types of Data Not Collected

As the ‘data collector’, I am responsible for collecting only necessary data for the purposes outlined above and consented to by you, the ‘data subject.’

Some data is especially sensitive; none of the following personally identifiable characteristics are collected or processed for any purpose:

Third Parties

This website was created with WebFlow, a third party software provider used to design and create websites. As the ‘data controller’, I have granted them permission to collect and process personal data on my behalf. They are acting as a ‘data processor.’

This website also uses Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for the purpose of monitoring and improving the user experience of this website and measuring impact of marketing channels excluding any data for the purpose of remarketing. They also are acting as a ‘data processor.’

Data Security

There are two ways that I, the ‘data controller’, have sought to protect your personal data:

Contact Details

All questions, comments, or concerns with the collection and processing of data on this website should be submitted to